Sunday, March 22, 2015

Week 40, Timing, Helping with Groceries, Ask How You Can Help!

Hej på er!!

This week has been full of things to do and places to go and I believe that the focus of the area is becoming clearer which is really nice. I realized as I looked back through my emails that some of the keys on these keyboards stick so just use your imagination a little bit when you read them haha. Our week started with the bishoprec having a meeting and discussing the needs of the ward and the people that they want us to meet and who we need help with. I am not sure if they wanted to have the meeting because we requested it but it is really good to have the ward on the same page as the missionaries with everthing because that is how the real growth will come. Also, if missionaries are ever inyour house ask them how the work is going and of specifics and maybe how you could help. It might just be advice. As missionaries we want everyone to think that we know it all but inside we don't know anything and just think that everyone is judging us because no one came to Sacrament meeting so ask them whats going on specifically :)

One thing that we were really blessed with this week was timing. We were able to go to a less active members house for a lesson and then on our way to another the bus left early and so we were about half an hour later than we thought we were going to be just to swing by them. We got there as soon as they did back from a walk and we were able to go in and talk to them and get to know them  and now we are going back this week so we will see where it leads!! It was super cool just to see the Lords hand in things like that this week. It happened again with an investigator that hasnt been home for awhile. We decided when we were in the area that we felt like we should go visit him even though it wasn't in the plans. He was magically just coming to his house when we showed up and we were able to teach him as well. It just the little things that happen during the week that help me to know who's work it is and what plans He has and how they are different from mine.

On our way to district meeting this week we saw this woman who was struggling with her groceries so we kind of ran up to help her (it probably looked really creepy) But we asked her if we could help and kind of took the bags at the same time because people in Sweden don't like accepting help especially from us so we kind of just took them and asked where she lived. But we were able to talk to her all the way to her house and she said that we were "angels" that day and that she wanted to come to church... it was really cool and thats the reason I love being a missionary because we can help people just at random times and when they really need it and we dont know them at all. Super cool.(I was late to district meeting though so that was a little pinsamt) but thats ok haha.

We went to a part members family this week and taught them and the son started asking us a bunch of really inciteful questions and he was really wondering about God and just why we believe in and all of this stuff. Come to find out later that he has never even once been interested when the missionaries came over and has not been baptized so we are excited to keep working with that family and help to answer his questions åtminstone about the gospel and his purpose.

The work is going forward in Jacobs mountain and it is still my life goal to make the people of Stockholm say hi to each other when they  walk around and when they are on buses and things so I will let you all know how that goes :) The cool thing about missionary work is that we can affect everyone around us. Depending on what we do and how we act we can strengthen members, friends, anyone we associate with and that is why it is so important to be able to have a strong testimony all of the time and knowing how the Spirit works in each of us. I know that this gospel is true and that God loves every single person no matter what their situation is. If you can't say that. find out. :)

Love you have an amazing week

Äldste Israelsen

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